23-911. RESTRICTIONS ON MANUFACTURERS, TRANSPORTERS OR DISTILLERS. Except as provided in section 23-912, Idaho Code, no manufacturer, rectifier, wholesaler, stockholder, shareholder, partner, or the owner of any other interest in any corporations, association or partnership financially interested in the manufacture, transportation or sale of liquor shall furnish, give, rent, lend or sell any equipment or fixtures directly or indirectly, or through a subsidiary or affiliate or by any officer, director, or firm member of the industry or otherwise furnish financial aid to any person engaged in the sale of liquor hereunder and no licensee hereunder shall receive or be the beneficiary of any of the benefits hereby prohibited.
[23-911, added 1947, ch. 274, sec. 11, p. 870; am. 1973, ch. 75, sec. 1, p. 121; am. 1999, ch. 141, sec. 2, p. 405.]