16-2404. COMMUNITY SERVICES AND SUPPORTS AND INTERAGENCY COLLABORATION. (1) Lead agency. The department of health and welfare shall be the lead agency in establishing and coordinating community supports, services and treatment for children with serious emotional disturbance and their families, utilizing public and private resources available in the child’s community. Such resources shall be utilized to provide services consistent with the least restrictive alternative principle, to assist the child’s family to care for the child in his home and community whenever possible. The state department of education shall be the lead agency for educational services.
(2) Planning. The department of health and welfare, the state department of education, the department of juvenile corrections, counties, and local school districts shall collaborate and cooperate in planning and developing comprehensive mental health services and individual treatment and service plans for children with serious emotional disturbance making the best use of public and private resources to provide or obtain needed services and treatment.
(3) Teens at risk. The department of health and welfare, the state department of education, the department of juvenile corrections, counties, courts and local school districts may collaborate and cooperate in planning and developing mental health counseling, substance abuse treatment and recovery support services and individual service plans for teens at risk.
(4) Contracting. The department of health and welfare shall also have the authority to enter into contracts with school districts to provide teen early intervention specialists as provided for in section 16-2404A, Idaho Code.
[16-2404, added 1997, ch. 404, sec. 1, p. 1285; am. 2007, ch. 309, sec. 2, p. 872.]