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As used in this part, the term:

  1. "Entities" or "entity" means any and all constitutional offices, as well as all authorities, departments, divisions, boards, bureaus, commissions, agencies, instrumentalities, or institutions of the state.
  2. "Real property" means any improved or unimproved real property owned by the state and under the jurisdiction of any state entity.
  3. "State" means the State of Georgia and any of its offices, agencies, authorities, departments, commissions, boards, divisions, instrumentalities, and institutions but does not include counties, municipalities, school districts, other units of local government, hospital authorities, or housing and other local authorities.
  4. "State facility" means a building owned by the state or under the custody or control of the state or insured by the program of self-insurance established under Code Sections 50-16-8 through 50-16-11.
  5. "State lease" means a lease or rental agreement entered into by a state entity for a definite period of time for the use by a state entity of real property or facilities or a lease of state real property or state facilities by a state entity for use by another party.

(Code 1933, § 91-401a, enacted by Ga. L. 1970, p. 672, § 1; Ga. L. 2005, p. 100, § 15/SB 158.)

Code Commission notes.

- Pursuant to Code Section 28-9-5, in 1986, a comma was inserted preceding "the term" in the introductory language.

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