Tax Commissioners, Tax Collectors, and Tax Receivers and All Employees in Their Offices Employed on or After July 1, 2012, Ineligible for Membership in the Employees' Retirement System of Georgia by Operation of Law

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  1. The provisions of this Code section shall apply to tax commissioners, tax collectors, and tax receivers and employees in their offices who first or again take office or become employed on or after July 1, 2012.
  2. On and after July 1, 2012, the governing authority of each county shall have the option of including the county tax commissioner, tax collector, or tax receiver and all employees of such person's office as members of the retirement system. Such option shall be made by adopting a resolution and forwarding such resolution to the board of trustees.
  3. The official in charge of such office, if he or she is responsible for the payment of the employees in that office, or the governing authority of the county, if the official and the employees are paid by it, shall deduct or collect from each member the employee contributions required by this chapter and shall remit the same to the retirement system as required by regulations. The governing authority of the county shall pay to the board of trustees the employer contributions required by this chapter, upon receipt of an invoice from the retirement system.
  4. An election by a county governing authority made pursuant to subsection (b) of this Code section may be revoked in the same manner as the election was made, but the county's obligations as to any officer or employee who became a member of the retirement system as a result of such election shall continue, and the rights and benefits of any such officer or employee shall be unaffected by such revocation.
  5. All persons subject to the provisions of this Code section shall be members of the retirement system under the provisions of Article 10 of this chapter as a condition of holding office.
  6. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Code section, no tax commissioner, tax collector, tax receiver, or any employee of any such official shall be eligible for membership in the retirement system if such officer or employee is covered or becomes covered by any other public retirement or pension system, excluding social security coverage.

(Code 1981, §47-2-292.1, enacted by Ga. L. 2012, p. 1051, § 3/SB 286.)

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