Credit for Service to Certain Members of Local Retirement Systems

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  1. As used in this Code section, the term:
    1. "Local retirement system" means a retirement system maintained by a county or independent school district for the purpose of providing a retirement benefit program for the teachers and other employees of the county or independent school district.
    2. "Teacher" means a teacher as defined in paragraph (28) of Code Section 47-3-1.
  2. Any member who was employed by a county or independent school district as a teacher at any time prior to July 1, 1979, and who was a member of a local retirement system during such employment and who is not and will not become eligible to receive any benefit under the provisions of said local retirement system shall be eligible to obtain creditable service under this retirement system for any part or all of such previous employment as a teacher, subject to the following conditions and requirements:
    1. The member must pay to the board of trustees employee and employer contributions for the creditable service claimed under this Code section based on the compensation actually received for the teaching service claimed as creditable service;
    2. The member must pay to the board of trustees regular interest on the amount determined under paragraph (1) of this subsection compounded annually from the time the teaching service was rendered until the time of payment; and
    3. No creditable service obtained under this Code section shall be used in determining the qualifications of a member to receive benefits under this chapter other than vested rights, death or disability benefits, or normal service retirement allowances.
  3. Any member wishing to obtain creditable service pursuant to the provisions of this Code section shall apply therefor to the board of trustees in such manner as the board shall require.The board of trustees may require such documentation as may be necessary to verify teaching service and compensation therefor that is claimed as creditable service under this Code section.

(Code 1981, §47-2-182, enacted by Ga. L. 1990, p. 508, § 1.)



- Services included in computing period of service for purpose of teachers' seniority, salary, tenure, or retirement benefits, 56 A.L.R.5th 493.


47-2-190. Transfer to Employees' Retirement System of Georgia prohibited.

Any member who has service credits with the Public School Employees Retirement System may not have any such service credits transferred to the Employees' Retirement System of Georgia.

(Code 1981, §47-2-190, enacted by Ga. L. 1987, p. 575, § 7.)


47-2-200. Membership of heads of state departments or agencies who are constitutional officers; contributions; service credits; retirement allowances; survivors benefits.

Reserved. Repealed by Ga. L. 2010, p. 1207, § 26, effective July 1, 2010.

Editor's notes.

- This Code section was based on Ga. L. 1964, p. 115, § 3.

Ga. L. 2010, p. 1207, § 1, not codified by the General Assembly, provides that: "The intent of this Act is to repeal obsolete and inoperative provisions and to make certain stylistic corrections in Title 47 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated. Nothing in this Act shall deny, abridge, increase, renew, revive, or on any way affect any right, benefit, option, credit, or election to which any person was entitled pursuant to such title on June 30, 2010, and the board of trustees of each public retirement system is authorized and directed to provide by regulation for the continuation of any such right, benefit, option, credit, or election not otherwise covered in this Act; provided, however, that any such right, benefit, option, credit, or election shall be subject to the statutory provisions in effect on June 30, 2010."

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