Transfer of Custodial Property by Custodian to Minor or Minor's Estate

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The custodian shall transfer in an appropriate manner the custodial property to the minor or to the minor's estate upon the earliest of:

  1. The minor's attainment of 21 years of age with respect to custodial property transferred under Code Section 44-5-114 or 44-5-115;
  2. The minor's attainment of majority under the laws of this state other than this article with respect to custodial property transferred under Code Section 44-5-116 or 44-5-117; or
  3. The minor's death.

(Code 1981, §44-5-130, enacted by Ga. L. 1990, p. 667, § 1.)



- Uniform Transfers to Minors Act (U.L.A.) § 20.

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