Amendment or Severance of Petitions or Other Pleadings; Power of Court or Examiner to Require Additional Facts

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Amendments to petitions or other pleadings, including joinder, substitution, or discontinuance of parties, the severance of pleadings, and the omission or severance of any portion or parcel of the land may be ordered or allowed by the court at any time before the final decree upon terms that may be just and reasonable. The court may require facts to be stated in the petition in addition to those prescribed by this article. The examiner shall have the same powers subject to review by exception to his reports.

(Ga. L. 1917, p. 108, § 24; Code 1933, § 60-219.)


Am. Jur. 2d.

- 66 Am. Jur. 2d, Registration of Land Titles, §§ 10, 12.


- 76 C.J.S., Registration of Land Titles, §§ 9, 11.

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