Out of the funds appropriated for the military fund the adjutant general, in his discretion, may allocate to the units of the organized militia moneys for rental, maintenance, and utility expense of unit facilities and for the welfare of the members of the units. The expenditure of the funds shall be in accordance with regulations issued pursuant to this chapter.
(Ga. L. 1916, p. 158, § 3; Code 1933, § 86-904; Ga. L. 1951, p. 311, § 21; Ga. L. 1955, p. 10, § 63.)
OPINIONS OF THE ATTORNEY GENERALFunds may be allocated only to units of the organized militia and not to an officer-in-charge of such a unit or several units. 1967 Op. Att'y Gen. No. 67-233.
Funds may be allocated to several units jointly.- Funds may, however, be allocated to several units jointly where the units occupy the same facilities with the same officer-in-charge designated as custodian. 1967 Op. Att'y Gen. No. 67-233.