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  1. A domestic society may, by a reinsurance agreement, cede any individual risk or risks in whole or in part to an insurer other than another fraternal benefit society having the power to make such reinsurance and authorized to do business in this state, in accordance with Code Section 33-7-14.
  2. Notwithstanding the limitation in subsection (a) of this Code section, a society may reinsure the risks of another society in a consolidation or merger approved by the Commissioner under Code Section 33-15-44.

(Code 1981, §33-15-43, enacted by Ga. L. 1993, p. 1744, § 1.)


Am. Jur. 2d.

- 43 Am. Jur. 2d, Insurance, § 1812 et seq.


- Who may enforce liability of reinsurer, 103 A.L.R. 1485.

Who may enforce liability of reinsurer, 87 A.L.R.6th 319.

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