Taking Rabbits and Hares Out of Season

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It shall be unlawful for any person to take rabbits or hares in this state except during the lawful hunting season as prescribed by law or rules and regulations. Persons under 16 years of age may trap or capture rabbits or hares by use of rabbit boxes or similar traps and sell them under the conditions set forth in Code Section 27-3-67.

(Ga. L. 1953, Nov.-Dec. Sess., p. 3, §§ 1-3A; Ga. L. 1955, p. 483, § 63; Ga. L. 1956, p. 590, § 23; Ga. L. 1972, p. 925, § 3; Code 1933, § 45-528, enacted by Ga. L. 1977, p. 396, § 1.)


Am. Jur. 2d.

- 35A Am. Jur. 2d, Fish, Game, and Wildlife Conservation, §§ 48, 52 et seq.


- 38 C.J.S., Game; Conservation and Preservation of Wildlife, §§ 41, 55, 56.

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