Limitations on Assessments

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  1. No marketing order issued by the Agricultural Commodity Commission for Beef shall impose an assessment in excess of $1.00 per head on bovine animals sold, nor shall any assessment be placed on any bovine animal which sells for less than $100.00.
  2. The Agricultural Commodity Commission for Beef may in its discretion lower the assessment amount imposed by any marketing regulation duly issued under the authority provided by this article.
  3. No marketing order issued by the Agricultural Commodity Commission for Wine and Grapes shall exceed the highest excise tax levied under Code Section 3-6-50.

(Code 1981, §2-8-23.1, enacted by Ga. L. 2013, p. 65, § 4/SB 97; Ga. L. 2020, p. 611, § 4/HB 1093.)

The 2020 amendment, effective August 3, 2020, added subsection (c).

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