The real property located at 3315 and 3321 23rd Street, S.E., Lots 2 and 6, Square 5894, owned by Building Bridges Across the River, Inc., a nonprofit corporation, shall be exempt from all taxation so long as the real property continues to be owned by Building Bridges Across the River, Inc., and is used as a community playground.
(Mar. 3, 2010, D.C. Law 18-111, § 7141(b), 57 DCR 181; Sept. 26, 2012, D.C. Law 19-171, § 117, 59 DCR 6190.)
Effect of AmendmentsThe 2012 amendment by D.C. Law 19-171 validated a previously made technical correction.
Emergency LegislationFor temporary (90 day) addition, see § 7141(b) of Fiscal Year 2010 Budget Support Second Emergency Act of 2009 (D.C. Act 18-207, October 15, 2009, 56 DCR 8234).
For temporary (90 day) addition, see § 7141(b) of Fiscal Year Budget Support Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2009 (D.C. Act 18-260, January 4, 2010, 57 DCR 345).
Short TitleShort title: Section 7140 of D.C. Law 18-111 provided that subtitle L of title VII of the act may be cited as the “Building Bridges Across the River, Inc. Real Property Tax Exemption and Real Property Tax Relief Act of 2009”.