*NOTE: This section was created by emergency legislation with identical permanent legislation that will become effective in January, 2022.*
For purposes of this chapter, the term:
(1) "Area median income" means the area median income of the Washington Metropolitan Statistical Area as set forth in the periodic calculation provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
(2) "Community Housing Development Organization" means a private nonprofit community-based organization with the capacity to develop affordable housing for the target population.
(3) "Extremely low-income" means having a household income equal to 30% or less of the area median income.
(4) "Housing production" means the construction, rehabilitation, or preservation of decent, safe, and affordable housing.
(5) "Low-income" means having a household income that is less than 60% of the area median income.
(6) "On-site services" means services, provided in connection with housing, designed primarily to help tenants maintain housing, including coordination or case management, physical and mental health support, substance use management and recovery support, job training, literacy and education, youth and children's programs, and money management.
(7) "Project-based assistance" means funds allocated to a particular Community Housing Development Organization to subsidize rent and social services in units owned and operated by the Community Housing Development Organization for a maximum number of households as established by contract.
(8) "Qualifying housing project" means a development that has an approved building permit and provides permanent and transitional housing with on-site services for the target population.
(9) "Returning citizen" means a District resident who was previously incarcerated.
(10) "Target population" means low-income, very low-income, and extremely low-income individuals, families, or returning citizens.
(11) "Very low-income" means a household income equal to or less than 50% of the area median income.
(Aug. 23, 2021, D.C. Act 24-159, § 2092, 68 DCR 008602.)