(a) The Foundation, subject to the availability of funds, shall be entitled to acquire, maintain and enforce forestland preservation easements for lands which are located in forestland preservation areas. The purchase of forestland preservation easements by the Foundation is purely a discretionary function, and the Foundation shall be under no obligation to purchase a forestland preservation easement from any applicant. The Foundation may utilize such method or methods of payment for forestland preservation easements as may be available. Upon acquisition of a forestland preservation easement the lands subject to such easement shall form a permanent forestland preservation area. The acquisition of a forestland preservation easement by the Foundation shall not grant the public any right of access or right of use of the real property subject to the easement.
(b) The Foundation shall adopt rules of practice and procedure for the acquisition of forestland preservation easements which shall include the process and timeframe for submitting applications for the sale of forestland preservation easements, the establishment of the purchase price for the easements through use of appraisal information, the manner in which offers to sell easements are accepted, and the basis upon which offers for sale of easements are accepted. The rules of practice and procedure shall incorporate, to the extent necessary, provisions for utilizing federal, county or other funding.