(a) All legislation proposing new fees or increases in existing fees charged by any state agency shall include therewith an explanation of:
(1) The purpose of the proposed new fee or fee increase;
(2) A general identification of the persons, business entities or organizations affected by the legislation;
(3) Impact of the proposed new fees or fee increases on these affected persons, business entities or organizations;
(4) Intended use by the agency of the revenues generated by the new fees or fee increases.
(b) (1) The Office of the Controller General shall conduct such review or audit of the information offered by the agency pursuant to subsection (a) of this section as is deemed necessary to evaluate the reasons presented for the new fees or fee increases, and shall issue a written report of its findings.
(2) The written report of the Office of the Controller General's findings shall be attached to the legislation by the sponsor of the legislation prior to the legislation's initial committee consideration in the House of origin.
(c) Each House may waive the requirements of this section as to any specific legislation pending before such House by a vote of the majority of all members elected to such House.