As of the effective date of this chapter, the Department shall have the power to perform and shall be responsible for the performance of all powers, duties and functions relating to the provision of child protective services, child mental health services, youth correctional services and youth probation services heretofore vested by law in the Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Mental Health and Division of Child Protective Services, the Department of Correction, Bureau of Juvenile Correction and Family Court. These powers, duties and functions shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) The powers and duties of the Division of Child Protective Services, Department of Health and Social Services, prescribed in Chapter 9 of Title 16, subchapters I, II, III, IV, V of Chapter 3 of Title 31 and Chapter 27 of Title 31; and Chapters 9 and 11 of Title 13;
(2) The powers and duties of the Bureau of Juvenile Correction, Department of Correction, prescribed in Chapters 51, 52 and 53 of Title 31;
(3) The powers and duties of the Division of Mental Health, Department of Health and Social Services that pertain to the provision of mental health services to children and youth, as prescribed in Chapter 53 of Title 16; and
(4) The powers and duties of the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families, prescribed in Chapter 90 of this title.