The following Divisions and other major organizational units are hereby created within the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families:
(1) The Division of Family Services which shall be responsible for the provision of child protective, placement, treatment, prevention, adoption and related services;
(2) The Division of Prevention and Behavioral Health Services which shall be responsible for the provision of prevention, outpatient and residential mental health, and drug and alcohol treatment services for children and youth;
(3) The Division of Youth Rehabilitative Services which shall be responsible for the provision of detention, institutional care, probation, aftercare and prevention services for children and youth;
(4) The Division of Management Services which shall be responsible for administering and coordinating fiscal affairs, record keeping, personnel, accounting and purchasing, and other general services for the Department as the Secretary may deem necessary for the proper, efficient and economical operation of the Department;
(5) The Office of Case Management which shall be responsible for monitoring case management among the divisions within the Department. This Office shall have the authority to assign case management responsibility to one of the service divisions whenever necessary;
(6) The Office of Prevention which shall have the responsibility for providing training, public education and consultation services aimed at preventing child abuse, dependency, neglect, juvenile delinquency, mental health disorders and drug and alcohol abuse among children and youth.