(a) Any veterans' organization as defined in § 8720(b) of this title may petition the Governor to remove from the Commission a member which said organization recommended, provided the reasons for said removal are clearly stated in said petition.
(b) In the event any Commissioner fails to attend 3 successive scheduled meetings without just cause such failure shall be sufficient grounds for the representative of the particular veterans' organization to be removed by the Governor.
(c) Prospective members of the Commission shall be recommended by the respective veterans' organizations and appointed by the Governor as vacancies occur.
(d) The names of prospective members of the Commission shall be submitted to the Governor by letter from the senior official of each respective statewide veterans' organization.
(e) The members of the Commission shall elect 1 of their members to serve as Chairperson and 1 as Vice-Chairperson who shall not serve more than 2 consecutive terms. Such elections shall be held annually in September.
(f) The Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson shall serve as voting members of the Commission.
(g) The Executive Director shall attend all meetings of the Commission, keep a full and true record of its proceedings, preserve at its general office all its books, documents and papers, and perform such other duties as the Commission may prescribe.
(h) The Commission shall hold monthly meetings at such time and location as prescribed by the Chairperson. Special meetings may be called by the Chair or a majority of the Commission membership.
(i) A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the Commission members.
(j) Members of the Commission shall serve without compensation except that they may be reimbursed for reasonable and necessary travel expenses incident to their duties as members of the Commission to the extent that funds are available and in accordance with state law.
(k) The Commission's executive offices shall be located in Dover, Delaware.