(a) Appointment and duties of Executive Director. — The Executive Director shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Board. The duties of the Executive Director shall include:
(1) The employment and supervision of required employees.
(2) The preparation and management of an annual budget, and such other funds as are designated for the development and operation of the Criminal Justice Information System.
(3) Providing such administrative support to the Board as may be necessary.
(4) The preparation of policy or procedure to implement this chapter and Chapter 85 of this title.
(5) Being the Chief Operational Officer of the Criminal Justice Information System.
(6) The preparation of an annual report on the status of the Criminal Justice Information System.
(7) Making and entering into a cooperative agreement, contract, or memorandum of understanding, whenever deemed necessary or desirable to perform the functions of the Criminal Justice Information System and whenever funds are available for such purpose. All necessary legal services shall be provided under Chapter 25 of Title 29.
(b) Primary functions. — The primary function of the Office of the Director shall be the assurance of the efficient and reliable development and operation of the hardware, software, and database which comprise the Criminal Justice Information System; thereby, effectively collecting, storing, and disseminating through the automated system, for all authorized users, criminal justice information.
(c) Duty to provide security. — The Office of the Director shall provide for automated security as follows:
(1) Provide secure access for all authorized users through the administration of the Delaware Criminal Justice Information System security programs.
(2) Employ effective and technologically adequate software and hardware designs to prevent unauthorized access or modifications to any information contained within the Criminal Justice Information System.
(3) Ensure that access to computer facilities, systems operating environments, data file contents, and system documentation, whether in use or stored in a media library, shall be restricted to authorized agencies and authorized users.
(4) Procedures shall be instituted to assure that all Delaware Justice Information System facilities provide safe and secure record storage.
(5) Procedures shall be instituted to assure that any authorized agency or authorized user shall be responsible for the physical security of criminal justice information, or other such sensitive information, under its control or in its custody, and such information shall be protected from unauthorized access, disclosure, or dissemination.
(6) Direct access to criminal justice information, or other such sensitive information, shall be available only to authorized users essential to the proper operation of the Criminal Justice Information System.
(7) Each authorized user working with, or having access to the Criminal Justice Information System shall be made familiar with the substance and intent of this chapter, Chapter 85 of this title, and any rules and regulations promulgated by the Board under § 8605 of this title.
(d) Duty to maintain complete and accurate records; performance of an audit. — The Office of the Director, or such contracted firms as may be employed, shall conduct an audit of the Criminal Justice Information System files and of the agencies accessing the system. The audit will be conducted according to established systems auditing procedures, and other such procedures as the Board may prescribe.
(e) Duty to provide training. — The Office of the Director shall assure that training programs are established for all automated systems within the scope of the Criminal Justice Information System and provide for adequate documentation and manuals for the use of such systems. No authorized user will be granted access to criminal justice information without attending minimum training as prescribed by the Board.
(f) Duty to assure system operations. — The Office of the Director shall provide for the continued operation of the Criminal Justice Information System, including such maintenance as required.
(g) Duty to provide information resource management. — The Office of the Director shall provide the management of the Criminal Justice Information System data, assuring the effective use of the information resource.
(h) Duty to assure compliance with state criminal justice system; duty to provide effective management. — The Office of the Director shall have the duty to assure that all Criminal Justice Information System developments shall meet the requirements of the state criminal justice system and its authorized agencies, and provide for the effective management of the development process.
(i) Duties pursuant to cooperative agreement, contract, or memorandum of understanding. — The Office of the Director shall perform such duties as the Board deems necessary within the bounds of the Criminal Justice Information System, its management and maintenance, as established through cooperative agreement, contract, or memorandum of understanding.