There shall be established an Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Advisory Board (“Board”) that will advise the Secretary on issues relating to the newborn hearing evaluation, intervention, treatment, and follow-up care for infants and children with hearing loss. Members shall be appointed by the Governor and serve 3-year terms that are renewable. The Board shall have 12 members.
(1) The Department shall provide administrative support services required for the Board. Members shall receive no compensation for their services as members.
(2) The Board shall act by majority vote and as required by this State's Administrative Procedures Act [Chapter 101 of Title 29]. The Board shall have the authority to adopt rules to implement this chapter.
(3) The Board membership shall consist of 1 of each the following:
Speech-language pathologist;
Neonatal nurse;
The Secretary of the Department of Health and Social Services or designee;
An adult who is deaf or hard of hearing;
Parent of a child with a hearing loss;
Teacher of children with hearing loss;
A representative from the designated agency responsible for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Part C [20 U.S.C. § 1431 et seq.];
A representative from the Department of Education Early Childhood Workgroup; and
A representative from the Statewide Programs for Deaf and Hard of Hearing.