Policy and general duty.

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(a) The General Assembly believes that every person in control of or associated with an EHS is responsible for operating in a manner consistent with the purpose of this chapter. It is their obligation to develop and implement a risk management program that anticipates and minimizes the chances of catastrophic events. The facility risk management plan and the risk management program implementation shall be subject to review by the Department. It shall be the objective of the regulations and programs established under this chapter to prevent accidental releases and to minimize the consequences of any such release of any substance listed pursuant to § 7707 of this title or any other extremely hazardous substance. Every person in control of or associated with any such substance that is produced, processed, handled or stored has a general duty to identify hazards which may result from such releases using appropriate hazard assessment techniques, to design and maintain a safe facility taking such steps as are necessary to prevent releases, and to minimize the consequences of accidental releases which do occur.

(b) Nothing in this chapter shall be interpreted, construed, implied or applied to create any liability or basis for suit for compensation for bodily injury or any other injury or property damages to any person that may result from accidental releases of such substances.

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