An employer shall, at a reasonable time, upon request of an employee, permit that employee to inspect that employee's own personnel files used to determine that employee's own qualifications for employment, promotion, additional compensation, termination or disciplinary action. The employer shall make these records available during the regular business hours of the office where these records are usually and ordinarily maintained, when sufficient time is available during the course of a regular business day to inspect the personnel files in question. The employer may require the requesting employee to inspect such records on the free time of the employee. At the employer's discretion, the employee may be required to file a written form to request access to the personnel file. This form is solely for the purpose of identifying the requesting individual to avoid disclosure to ineligible individuals. To assist the employer in providing the correct records to meet the employee's need, the employee shall indicate in the written request either the purpose for which the inspection is requested or the particular parts of the employee's personnel record which the employee wishes to inspect.