(a) In addition to compliance with all other provisions of this title, the Commissioner shall require each person, not a licensee of this State, who desires to sell beer manufactured outside this State to licensees of this State, to pay to the Commissioner the same fee or fees as are required to be paid in the State, territory or country of origin of such beer by a person, not a licensee thereof, who desires to sell beer manufactured in this State to licensees of such state, territory or country of origin, and to observe and comply with the same regulations, prohibitions and restrictions as are required of or enforced against a person who desires to sell beer manufactured in this State to licensees in the said state, territory or country of origin. In all cases where the Commissioner has issued any reciprocal regulations or orders concerning beer manufactured in any state, territory or country other than this State no licensee of this State shall purchase any such beer if its importation has been prohibited or if not entirely prohibited, unless such regulations or orders have been observed and complied with by the licensee of this State and by the person from or through whom the licensee of this State desires to purchase. Any beer manufactured outside of this State which is sold, transported or possessed in this State contrary to any such regulations or orders of the Commissioner or without the payment of the fees required by this title shall be considered contraband and shall be confiscated by the Commissioner and disposed of in the same manner as any other illegal alcoholic liquors.
(b) Upon learning of the Commissioner by a manufacturer of beer whose principal place of business is outside this State or by any servant, agent, employee or representative of such manufacturer within or partly within and partly outside this State of any violation of this title or any laws of this State relating to alcoholic liquors, or of any regulation of the Commissioner adopted pursuant thereto, or of any violation of any laws of this State or of the United States of America relating to the tax payment of alcoholic liquors, the Commissioner shall cite such manufacturer to appear before it not less than 10 nor more than 15 days from the date of mailing to such manufacturer at his principal place of business wherever located by registered mail a notice to show cause why the further importation into this State of beer manufactured by him should not be prohibited. Upon such hearing, whether or not an appearance was made by such outside manufacturer, if satisfied that any such violation has occurred, the Commissioner shall immediately issue an order prohibiting the importation of beer manufactured by such manufacturer into this State for a period of not less than 6 months nor more than 3 years. Notice of such action of the Commissioner shall be given immediately to such manufacturer and to all persons licensed to import beer within this State by mailing a copy of such order to such manufacturer at its principal place of business wherever located and to such licensees at their licensed premises. Thereafter no person licensed to import beer within this State shall purchase or sell any beer manufactured by such outside manufacturer during the term of the prohibition. Any violation of the prohibitory order is a misdemeanor and also constitutes grounds for revocation or suspension of a license to import beer. In all such cases the Commissioner shall file of record at least a brief statement in the form of an opinion of the reasons for the ruling or order. Any outside manufacturer aggrieved by the action of the Commissioner may appeal to the Superior Court in the same manner as provided in § 541 of this title for appeals from refusals to grant licenses.