(a) “Hunter orange” means a daylight fluorescent orange color with a dominant wave length between 595 and 605 nanometers, and exotation purity of not less than 85 percent and illuminous factor of not less than 40 percent.
(b) During a time when it is lawful to take deer with a firearm, any person hunting any wildlife except migratory game birds in this State shall display on that person's head, chest and back a total of not less than 400 square inches of hunter orange material.
(c) If a hunter utilizes a ground blind to hunt deer during a time when it is lawful to take deer with a firearm and the hunter is completely concealed within a blind, then 400 square inches of hunter orange material shall be placed within 10 feet outside of the blind and at least 3 feet off of the ground.
(d) Whoever violates this section shall be guilty of a class D environmental violation.