Superior Court shall have jurisdiction over all proceedings brought by the charging party pursuant to § 714 of this title. Superior Court may excuse a charging party who has complied with the compulsory conciliation provisions of this chapter from the compulsory arbitration provisions of Superior Court rule.
(1) Superior Court shall have the authority to provide the following relief, including but not limited to:
a. Order the respondent to cease and desist or modify its existing employment policies;
b. Order the respondent to hire, reinstate or promote the charging party;
c. Order the payment of compensatory damages, including but not limited to general and special damages, punitive damages when appropriate, not to exceed the damage awards allowable under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 [42 U.S.C. § 2000e et seq.], as amended, provided that for the purposes of this subchapter, employers with 4-14 employees shall be treated under Title VII's damage award as an employer having under 50 employees; and
d. Order the costs of litigation and reasonable attorney's fees to the prevailing party.
(2) In any action brought by the Department for violation of the retaliation provision of § 711(f) of this title, the Court shall fine the employer not less than $1,000 nor more than $5,000 for each violation, in addition to any liability for damages.