No person shall keep spirits, wines or beer in the State except:
(1) In an establishment licensed by the Commissioner to sell alcoholic liquor;
(2) In an establishment where it is expressly permitted by the Commissioner to keep alcoholic liquor;
(3) In an establishment where, by exception, it is permitted by law to keep alcoholic liquors;
(4) In the residence of any person, provided the alcoholic liquor is not kept with intent to sell the same, but one sale shall suffice to establish such intent;
(5) In the office of a physician, pharmacist or veterinarian for medicinal purposes only, and in the office of a clergyman for sacramental purposes only;
(6) In the baggage of an individual who is transporting alcoholic liquor for his individual use;
(7) In a church, chapel, or other place for religious worship or a dependence thereof where sacramental wine may be kept.