(a) Preliminary notice period. — Any owner of real estate on which a manufactured home community is located who wishes to convert such property to multiple-unit usage shall provide a written preliminary notice to each tenant, and to the tenants' association, if 1 is in existence, of the owner's intention to convert the property. The preliminary notice shall not constitute, nor shall it include, a notice to the tenant to terminate his tenancy. Such preliminary notice shall also notify each tenant of the following:
(1) That there is a mandatory 3-year grace period prior to eviction;
(2) That the tenants' association has the exclusive option to purchase that portion of the community which the owner proposes to convert, and must, within 90 days from the date it receives the preliminary notice, and the separate writing described in § 7108(a) of this title, notify the owner of its intent to exercise its option;
(3) That if the tenants' association decides not to exercise its option, upon the expiration of the 90-day period, the option shall convert into a right of first refusal meaning that the property shall not be sold to any other purchaser, at any time, at any price or terms without first having been offered on the same terms to the tenants' association;
(4) That no tenant shall be evicted prior to the expiration of the 3-year grace period, except for the following causes:
a. Nonpayment of rent; or
b. Violation of a material provision of the lease.
(b) Grace period. — After the expiration of 90 days from the date of the preliminary notice or filing of the conversion plan with the Recorder of Deeds, whichever is later, the owner may give final notice to each tenant that the tenant must vacate the premises at the end of the 3-year period, unless the tenant comes within any of the exceptions set forth in this section and § 7111 of this title. From the time of the delivery of the final notice, each tenant shall have a 3-year grace period before the owner may institute legal action for eviction. In any instance where a tenant's lease is for a period of time which extends beyond the expiration date as set forth in the final notice, the grace period shall continue until expiration of such tenant's lease.
(c) Final notice. — The final notice shall contain a provision stating that each tenant in occupancy at the time of the preliminary notice shall have the exclusive right to purchase a unit in the proposed conversion project, and that such exclusive right to purchase shall continue through the first 90 days after the waiver or termination by the tenants' association of its option, and for such additional time thereafter as the owner shall permit. A copy of the final notice shall also be mailed or delivered to the tenants' association, if such association was in being at the time of the preliminary notice. The final notice shall contain a provision that any person who is a tenant of the manufactured home community, and who elects to purchase a unit in the conversion project, shall not be required to pay more for any unit than the price set forth in the conversion plan, nor more than any other person purchasing the same type of unit. The final notice shall not constitute, nor shall it include, a notice to the tenant to immediately terminate his tenancy.