Provision of basic services.

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(a) An offering of basic services in this State, that is not a determination of rate change, is subject to the provisions of subchapters I and V of this chapter, §§ 201, 202, 203A(c), 204, 206, 212, 217, 218, and 222 of this title, and all Commission procedures, rules, and regulations except to the extent inconsistent with this subchapter.

(b) Beginning January 1, 2020, after January 1 of the year immediately following the initial election or reelection made pursuant to § 704 of this title, Commission approval may not be required to change tariff rates and rates for basic services must be established according to prevailing federal jurisdiction.

(c) No service provider may assess switched access rates pursuant to tariff that are higher than the switched access rates set forth in the tariffs of the incumbent local exchange carrier in the same service territory.

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