Election of a telecommunications service provider to be governed by this subchapter.

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(a) A telecommunications service provider offering services under a certificate granted under § 203A of this title may elect or any telecommunication service provider that has previously elected may reelect, upon or after July 15, 2013, to determine its rates and prices for its telecommunications services pursuant to this subchapter. Upon the filing of written notice to the Commission of such an election or reelection, subchapters II and III of this chapter shall no longer apply except as specifically provided hereinafter and, in lieu thereof, this subchapter shall govern.

(b) An election by a service provider to be governed by this subchapter shall be effective for a term of not less than 3 years and shall automatically be extended for additional 3-year terms except as described below. Not less than 1 year prior to the expiration of any term, the service provider shall notify the Commission if it no longer wishes to be governed by this subchapter. Upon receipt of such notification, the Commission shall commence an open and public proceeding to determine what appropriate form of regulation should be applied to such provider under § 703 of this title. The Commission shall conclude any such proceeding by final order within 12 months from the filing of such notification and, in making its determination, the Commission shall give appropriate consideration to the form of regulation, if any, then applicable to competitors of such service provider.

(c) (1) Nothing in this subchapter shall be construed to affect the rights, duties or obligations of telecommunications carriers, including those carriers who are parties to interconnection agreements approved by the Commission on or before January 1, 2008, set forth in §§ 251-252 of the federal Telecommunications Act, 47 U.S.C. § 251-252, including but not limited to, the duty to negotiate interconnection agreements, to provide interconnection, to provide access to unbundled network elements, and to provide resale, nor shall anything in this subchapter affect the exercise of authority assigned to the Commission by §§ 251-252 of the federal Telecommunications Act, 47 U.S.C. 251-252, including but not limited to the authority to arbitrate and approve interconnection agreements.

(2) Nothing in this subchapter shall be construed to affect the applicability or enforcement of the provisions of Chapter 100 of Title 16 (“911—Enhanced Emergency Number Service”) or the applicability or enforcement of the provisions of Chapter 101 of Title 16 (“Enhanced 911 Emergency Reporting System Fund”).

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