In addition to the items required under § 6903 of this title and, as applicable, under § 6933 of this title, a special purpose financial captive insurance company's plan of operation must include the following:
(1) A description of the contemplated special purpose financing transaction and the SPFC contract;
(2) Copies, or, at the discretion of the Commissioner, a written summary, of all material agreements, instruments or documents, including, without limitation, opinions of Delaware legal counsel regarding compliance of the SPFC contract and the special purpose financing transaction with the requirements of this chapter, that are to be entered into or required to effectuate the SPFC contract and the special purpose financing transaction, which must include:
a. The name of the counterparty;
b. The nature of the risks being assumed;
c. The proposed use of protected cells, if any; and
d. The amounts, purpose, nature and interrelationships of the various transactions required to effectuate the SPFC contract and the special purpose financing transaction;
(3) The proposed investment policy of the special purpose financial captive insurance company and a description of its proposed investment strategy;
(4) A description of the underwriting, reporting, and claims payment methods by which losses covered by the SPFC contract are to be reported, accounted for, and settled; and
(5) Pro forma balance sheets, income statements, and other financial projections demonstrating the performance of the special purpose financial captive insurance company pursuant to the SPFC contract under such stress case scenarios as may be required by the Commissioner.