(a) The program shall be a rigorous military-type program which, among other features, shall include mandatory physical training; hard labor which has a rational goal or objective; military formations, drills and courtesy; regimentation of all activities, except those which are specifically exempted by the camp commander; control which is strict, but not capricious; uniformity and cleanliness in dress and appearance; education and counseling; and drug treatment, counseling and education where appropriate.
(b) The Bureau and the camp commander shall establish rules and regulations for the conduct and administration of each boot camp program. Such rules and regulations shall reflect the goals and objectives of this chapter, and shall include a system of rewards for individuals and groups based upon achievements and progress in achieving camp standards and requirements; and shall include sanctions, administered by the staff within the confines and authority of the camp, to punish those individuals whose demeanor, behavior or attitude do not comply with camp standards and requirements. The rules and regulations shall also include the supervision and the structure to be used in each program offered by the camp.
(c) The camp commander and staff shall be responsible for the day-to-day functions and decisions affecting the operations of the boot camp. Each full-time employee employed inside the boot camp shall, to the extent possible, be a volunteer regardless of job description or function. All boot camp employees shall receive appropriate specialized boot camp training. Each drill instructor shall receive specialized drill instructor training, preferably military training, from an agency which specializes in such training. Boot camp employees shall receive, for the same general responsibilities, the same salaries as prison employees not employed in a boot camp. Job bidding shall not be used in the selection of the camp staff.
(d) Participants may be formed into work squads by boot camp staff to perform labor-intensive projects outside the perimeters of the camp. No wages shall be paid to individual participants working outside the camp, but the camp commander may from time to time receive funds or gifts for the general use or benefit of the camp or for all participants. Work squads may be utilized to work on state, county, municipal or town projects; for disaster relief, civil or community emergencies; and for specific projects for nonprofit organizations, if the Bureau determines that the project is of direct benefit to a community or a large number of people, and not for the organization itself. No work squad is permitted to do any labor for the benefit of any individual or commercial entity. Approved projects may include, but not limited to, highway cleanup and trash removal; timber clearing on state forestry lands; preparing and stacking sandbags in the event of a flood; and beach and state park clean-up. Participants are not employees for purpose of workers' compensation. Notwithstanding any provision of this title to contrary, any boot camp participant who is otherwise appropriately classified to the boot camp program may participate in work squads pursuant to this section.