(a) The General Assembly hereby finds that certain offenders, especially young adults, respond positively to a short term military-type program which would provide for the restructuring of behavior through a highly-regimented routine of physical exercise, hard work, continued education, and substance abuse therapy. The General Assembly also finds that the cost of incarcerating the increasing number of criminal offenders in conventional prison facilities has been increasing annually, and there is an urgent need to develop and implement innovative and cost-effective options to alleviate prison overcrowding.
(b) This chapter has the following purposes:
(1) Deterrence. — To include a “shock” component to give certain offenders, especially young first offenders, an advance warning of the unpleasant consequences of conventional imprisonment, in an attempt to discourage future criminal behavior;
(2) Cost effectiveness. — To reduce future corrections expenses by utilizing cost avoidance as an effective strategy of cost savings and capital savings due to implementation of this chapter.
(3) Rehabilitation. — To develop a foundation on which a participant in the program can develop the self-control needed to meet daily stresses and challenges;
(4) Behavior modification. — To instill more positive attitudes and behavior within each participant, which will be reflected, upon release, in less negative behavior and no subsequent arrests for violent crimes.