(a) The moneys appropriated in the Budget Appropriation Bill shall be paid by the State Treasurer from the General Fund except as otherwise provided by law.
(b) Nothing contained in Titles 14 and 31 shall be construed as authorizing appropriations or expenditures of General Fund moneys during any fiscal year in excess of or other than the amount set forth in the Budget Appropriation Bill or as may be authorized in supplementary appropriation acts enacted by the General Assembly.
(c) No funds appropriated by the Budget Appropriation Bill or otherwise available to an agency of this State shall be expended except for purposes necessary to carry out the functions of such agency; no funds shall be expended for purposes such as gratuities, greeting cards, flowers and tickets to athletic events when unrelated to the agency's function; no funds shall be expended for parking tickets or other traffic violations; and the Secretary, Department of Finance, shall, in executing the Secretary's duty under § 6518 of this title, refuse to approve any such expenditures. Any agency affected by this section shall have the right of appeal to the Budget Commission. No agency or school district shall use credit cards registered in the name of the employee, agency, school district or State which could create an obligation of the State, except:
(1) Contract credit cards authorized by the Secretary of Finance and distributed to state employees may be used for duly authorized travel expenses and purchases made by state agencies and school districts pursuant to policy and procedures as established by the Secretary of Finance;
(2) Telephone credit cards to approved employees, elected officials and public members of boards and commissions under a program established and administered by the Government Support Services, Office of Management and Budget, pursuant to policy and procedures as established by the Secretary of Finance; and
(3) Oil company credit cards having received prior approval by the Secretary of Finance.
(d) Moneys appropriated in a grant-in-aid bill shall be paid in installments of 25 percent each quarter of the fiscal year, in accordance with administrative procedures established by the Secretary of Finance and the Treasurer of the State; provided, however, in the event the line item amount appropriated in a grant-in-aid bill is $6,000 or less, such amount shall be paid on an annual basis. The General Assembly may make exceptions to the installment requirement by adding epilogue language to the grant-in-aid bill.