The Division of Fish and Wildlife is authorized to establish, maintain and administer:
(1) An interest-bearing, nonappropriated special fund known as the Delaware Marsh Management and Maintenance Trust, as allowed by conditions of the DNREC/PSE&G Settlement Agreement of March 23, 1995, and further allowed by the subsequent Settlement Agreement of June 24, 2001. The interest income from this trust account will be dedicated to implement the Settlement Agreement's provisions to enhance or restore tidal wetlands habitats for coastal fish and wildlife resources along Delaware Bay and River in Delaware, and to maintain such tidal wetlands habitat enhancements or restoration in perpetuity, as partial compensation for natural resource losses caused by past, ongoing and future operation of the PSE&G Salem Nuclear Generating Station.
(2) A nonappropriated special fund for administration of the dedicated interest earned on the fund established above, with said dedicated interest to be expended to help support or implement compensatory tidal wetlands habitat enhancements or restorations and associated maintenance activities referred to in paragraph (1) of this section.