(a) In the event that the amount authorized in the appropriated special fund budget in § 1 of the Budget Appropriation Bill for the Office of Management and Budget, Pensions for Contractual Services (investment expenses) is insufficient, the appropriated special fund budget may be amended to adjust for such insufficiency upon request of the Board of Pension Trustees and approved by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget and the Controller General.
(b) Any agency with classified full-time equivalent positions filled or unfilled paid from funds other than those appropriated from the General Fund of the State shall pay to the Office of Management and Budget and the Department of Human Resources, from the special funds, a prorated share of the expense of the Office of Management and Budget and the Department of Human Resources, as approved by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget and the Controller General. Such payments shall be used by the Office of Management and Budget and the Department of Human Resources to supplement the funds appropriated to the Office and Department from the General Fund of the State in the annual Appropriations Act.
(c) The sums appropriated in a fiscal year to Criminal Justice Council for criminal justice planning grants to state agencies to provide funds to match grants from the federal government, which are not disbursed on June 30 of the fiscal year appropriated, shall continue to be available on a matching basis for the life of each criminal justice program grant, or for 3 fiscal years, whichever first occurs. Any unexpended funds appropriated from the General Fund of the State which remain unexpended or unencumbered shall revert to the General Fund of the State.