(a) Upon the funding of a capital project for which advance planning funds or advance real property acquisition funds have been provided from the Fund, a refund shall be made to the Fund from such funding by the State Treasurer from the appropriation made or other source of funds provided for the public facility or real property.
(b) In the event that a capital project, for which advanced planning funds have been provided from the Fund is not included in a capital improvement act within 3 years, the Budget Commission may declare the project inactive and request the State's bond issuing officers to reimburse the Fund from the Bond Reversion Account, § 7418 of this title notwithstanding.
(c) If federal funds are received as reimbursement for any real property purchased with the Fund, such moneys shall be deposited as a refund to the Fund.
(d) In the event real property is purchased and then plans for utilization of the site are abandoned, the state agency, reorganized school district, or vocational-technical school district, with approval of the Budget Commission, may sell the real property pursuant to Chapter 17 of Title 14 or Chapter 94 of this title, as applicable, and shall deposit the receipts to the Fund.