Advanced Planning and Real Property Acquisition Fund.

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(a) A nonappropriated special fund is created to be known as the “Advanced Planning and Real Property Acquisition Fund,” hereafter referred to in this subchapter as “Fund.”

(b) The Fund shall be interest earning with such interest credited to the Fund.

(c) The Fund shall be expended for the advanced planning of proposed public facilities in the State, including, but not limited to, the cost of architectural sketches, general site plans, preliminary engineering, general design services, legal, accounting and consulting services or such other services as may be deemed appropriate. Public facilities shall include public schools, health-care facilities, public safety and correctional institutions, libraries (if co-located) and other public buildings.

(d) The Fund may be expended for earnest money of up to 10 percent for the acquisition of real property (including any options to purchase and any improvements thereon) by state agencies, reorganized school districts and vocational-technical school districts. The Fund may not be expended for highway right-of-way acquisition.

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