(a) Except as provided in § 6311(b) of this title, no dealers license shall be issued to any vehicle dealer unless the dealership has an established place of business owned, rented, or leased by the dealership and which:
(1) Satisfies all local zoning requirements. Zoning approval shall be submitted to the Division when the application is submitted;
(2) Has sales and office space devoted to the dealership and has adequate display space for 5 or more vehicles, and, in the case of a new recreational vehicle dealer, has a service facility;
(3) Has a telephone installed in the office and listed in the business name;
(4) Has adequate liability insurance as required by § 2118 of this title;
(5) Has a sign on the premises measuring at least 24 x 36 inches which lists the dealership's approved name.
(b) The dealership office shall maintain and have adequate file cabinets to maintain records required by the Department. All dealer records regarding purchases, sales, transfers of ownership, collection of vehicle document fees, titling, registration fees, odometer disclosure statements, temporary license plates and records of dealer registration plates assigned to the dealer shall be maintained on the premises of the licensed location. All records shall be maintained for a minimum of 5 years. The Director may, on written request by a dealer, permit records to be maintained at a location other than the premises of the licensed location for good cause shown.
(c) Every dealer shall have in its possession a certificate of title assigned to the dealership or other documentary evidence of the dealer's right to the possession of, and for every vehicle in the dealership's possession or on the dealership premises.
(d) During business hours, the records of the dealership shall be open to inspection by Department officials, any police officer or any duly authorized investigator at the Department of Justice while discharging their official duties.