(a) There is hereby established a Recycling Public Advisory Council (the “Council”). The Council shall be composed of 16 members who shall be appointed by the Governor as follows:
(1) One member from the Department;
(2) One member from the Authority;
(3) One member representing county governments, with such member being recommended by the Delaware Association of Counties;
(4) One member representing municipal governments, with such member being recommended by the Delaware League of Local Governments;
(5) One member representing the recycling industry;
(6) One member representing the waste hauling industry;
(7) Two members, 1 representing the soft drink industry and 1 representing the alcohol beverage industry;
(8) One member representing the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce;
(9) One member representing the Delaware restaurant industry;
(10) Five members representing community-based or public-interest groups; and
(11) One member representing the Delaware Food Industry Council.
(b) Members of the Council, except for those appointed pursuant to paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section above, shall serve for terms up to 3 years and may not serve more than 2 consecutive terms but may again serve after 1 year off of the Council. Members shall be appointed for staggered terms so that no more than 5 appointments shall expire in any 1 calendar year. Members may be reimbursed for travel to and from meetings. The Governor shall appoint a Chairman from among the 16 members. Actions of the Council shall be approved by a majority vote of the Council. At least 9 members of the Council shall constitute a quorum. The Council may adopt bylaws as it deems appropriate to serve the purposes of this subchapter.
(c) The Recycling Public Advisory Council shall:
(1) Advise the Department and the Authority on all aspects of recycling;
(2) Advise the Department in developing criteria for the Recycling Grants and Low Interest Loan Program and selection of applications as well as provide an annual assessment of the revenue needed to satisfy the grant requirements;
(3) Maintain, in conjunction with the Department and the Authority, a methodology for measuring recycling rates;
(4) Provide advice and recommendations regarding the recycling outreach and education programs conducted by the Authority and/or the Department;
(5) Report to the Governor and the General Assembly annually by November 1 of each year on the status of recycling activities in Delaware. Said report shall include, but not be limited to the following:
a. Status of attainment of the recycling goals specified in § 6056 of this title;
b. An accounting of the recycling grants and loan program and any recommendations for future funding of the grants and loan program;
c. An assessment of the activities of both the Department and the Authority in achieving the recycling goals specified in § 6056 of this title;
d. An objective, auditable accounting of recycling rates for total solid waste, municipal solid waste, and residential solid waste;
e. Such other recommendations as the Council shall deem appropriate; and
f. Use the definitions of “recycling” and “municipal solid waste” as stated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency in its document EPA530-R-97-011 dated September 1997. The Council shall be able to adopt changes to these definitions.
(d) The Department, in concert with the Authority and the Council, shall:
(1) Monitor the State's recycling initiatives and measure Delaware's achievements toward attainment of the recycling goals specified in § 6056 of this title;
(2) Design and implement public educational efforts aimed at increasing public awareness of recycling opportunities;
(3) Provide technical assistance to local entities to assist them in increasing their recycling rates; and
(4) Provide administrative support to the Council.