Notwithstanding any definitions in Chapter 60 or 64 of this title to the contrary, the following words and phrases shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this subchapter unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
(1) “Authority” means the Delaware Solid Waste Authority.
(2) “Beverage” means any mineral waters (but not including naturally sparkling mineral waters), soda waters or any other carbonated beverage not containing alcohol that is commonly known as a “soft drink” and any beer, ale or other malt beverage containing alcohol.
(3) “Beverage container” means any airtight nonaluminous container containing less than 2 quarts of a beverage under pressure of carbonation.
(4) “Dealer” means any person who engages in the sale of beverages in beverage containers to a consumer and shall include groups of retailers or retail chains.
(5) “Multi-family” means 3 or more attached structures, such as condominiums or apartments, generally intended for occupancy by individuals or families and where centralized community trash disposal and collection services are typically provided.
(6) “Municipal solid waste” means wastes such as durable goods, nondurable goods, containers and packaging, food scraps, organic yard waste and miscellaneous inorganic waste from residential (i.e. household), commercial, institutional and industrial sources such as appliances, automobile tires, old newspapers, clothing, disposal tableware, office and classroom paper, wood pallets, and cafeteria wastes. Municipal solid waste does not include solid wastes from other sources such as construction and demolition debris, auto bodies, municipal sludges, combustion ash and industrial process wastes.
(7) “On-premises sales” means sales transactions in which beverages are purchased by a consumer for immediate consumption within the area under the control of the dealer.
(8) “Organic yard waste” means plant material resulting from lawn maintenance and other horticultural gardening and landscaping activities and includes grass, leaves, prunings, brush, shrubs, garden material, Christmas trees and tree limbs up to 4 inches in diameter.
(9) “Recyclable material” or “recyclables” means any material or group of materials that can be collected and sold or used for recycling.
(10) “Recycling” means the process by which solid wastes are separated for use as raw materials, products or replacement of products, including the reuse of organic yard waste, but does not include the incineration of materials for energy.
(11) “Residential waste” means the solid waste generated in occupied single-family and multi-family structures. Also referred to as “household waste”.
(12) “Single-family” means either a detached structure (i.e. a house) surrounded by open space or attached structures, such as town or row homes, generally intended for occupancy by a family and where individual trash collection services are typically provided for each structure.
(13) “Single stream” means a system in which all fibers (including but not limited to paper, cardboard, etc.) and containers (including but not limited to plastic, glass and metal) are commingled for collection into 1 container instead of being sorted into separate commodities and multiple containers.
(14) “Source-separated” means recyclable materials, including single stream recyclables, are segregated at the point of generation and kept apart from the waste stream by the generator thereof for the purpose of collection and recycling.