In furtherance of the determination long established in § 6450 of this title that “the reduction of solid waste disposal and recovery of usable materials from solid waste are matters of extreme importance in minimizing the environmental impact of solid waste disposal through landfilling” and that it “is in the public interest to develop a comprehensive statewide system of recycling and resource recovery which maximizes the quantity of solid waste materials which can be recovered, reused or converted to beneficial use” the General Assembly hereby makes the following findings and declares the following intent with respect to the establishment of this subchapter. In order to establish a comprehensive statewide system of recycling, wherein recycling is maximized and the necessary economies of scale are realized, every residence and business must have access to recycling programs that are both convenient and cost effective. It is the intent of the General Assembly, in full recognition that the establishment of a comprehensive statewide recycling program has long been sought, that said program shall be accomplished by modification of the existing beverage container law and the establishment of universal recycling inclusive of the prescribed recycling programs, requirements and goals that follow. As such, liberal interpretation in favor of accomplishing the stated goals and objectives shall be exercised.