This chapter shall not apply to or change the existing law in respect to:
(1) The landowner's right to place a dam across a gully on his or her property or across a stream that originates on that landowner's property where provision is made for continued established average minimum flow occurring for 7 consecutive days within the lowest flow year of record; or
(2) The right to build and maintain a dam or construct a pond and divert water from any stream on any stream having a minimum flow of not more than 1/2 million gallons of water per day, and utilize up to 360 acre inches of the impounded water per year so long as such action does not affect the established average minimum flow in the stream below the dam at any time; or
(3) Ponds not larger than 60,000 square feet constructed for purposes of conservation, recreation, propagation and protection of fish and wildlife, watering of stock or fire protection; or
(4) Linear water and wastewater utility projects that have a maximum width of disturbance of 30 feet or less and with a maximum total disturbance of 1 acre or less are:
(i) subject to Erosion and Sediment Control regulations adopted by the Department, and (ii) exempt from Stormwater Management regulation adopted by the Department. For the purposes of this section “erosion and sediment control” means the control of solid material, both mineral and organic, during a land disturbing activity, to prevent its transport out of the disturbed area by means of wind, water, gravity, or ice. For the purposes of this section “stormwater management” means:a. For water quantity control, a system of vegetative, structural, and other measurers that controls the volume and rate of Stormwater runoff which may be caused by land disturbing activities upon the land; and
b. For water quality control, a system of vegetative, structural, and other measures that controls adverse effects on water quality that may be caused by land disturbing activities upon the land.