For purposes of this chapter only, unless the context requires otherwise:
(1) “Agreement” means an agreement described in § 5803(a) of this title.
(2) “Arbitration” means an arbitration provided for under this chapter.
(3) “Arbitrator” means a person named in an agreement, selected under an agreement, or appointed by the parties to an agreement or the Court of Chancery, to preside over an arbitration and issue a final award. If an arbitration proceeds before more than 1 arbitrator,
a. References in this chapter to an arbitrator shall be deemed to be references to the arbitrators; and
b. Unless otherwise provided in an agreement, references in this chapter to an act of an arbitrator shall be deemed to be references to an act of a majority of the arbitrators.
(4) “Final award” means an award designated as final and issued in an arbitration by an arbitrator.
(5) “Organization” means a civic association, neighborhood alliance, homeowners maintenance corporation, homeowners maintenance association, common interest community (as defined in § 81-103 of Title 25), or other similar entity charged with or assuming the duties of maintaining the public areas, open space, or common facilities within a residential development or community.