Payments to former licensee.

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The Department of Finance shall, within 30 days of the date of the cancellation or acceptance of surrender of a license, remit to the former licensee a part of the license fee which has been paid and pertains to the unexpired term of the license. In addition, the Commissioner shall remit to the former licensee the amount originally received by the Commissioner from the former licensee in payment for such alcoholic liquor accepted or seized as remains in packages sealed by the Commissioner, after paying or deducting therefrom all costs and expenses incurred by the Commissioner by reason of the acceptance or seizure of the alcoholic liquor of the former licensee. When other legally acquired alcoholic liquors have been accepted or seized under this section, the value thereof as determined by the Commissioner shall be remitted by the Commissioner to the former licensee, after paying or deducting therefrom all costs and expenses incurred by the Commissioner by reason of the acceptance or seizure of the alcoholic liquor of the former licensee. When illegally acquired alcoholic liquors have been seized under this section, no payment shall be made therefor.

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