(a) The General Assembly finds that, in order for the Delaware Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner to maintain effective control of the importation, distribution and sale of alcoholic liquor into and within this State, and in order to prevent geographical price fixing of alcoholic liquor at the retail level, there shall be a limitation placed on the number of retail licenses issued, held, controlled or acquired directly or indirectly by 1 person. The General Assembly further finds that a limitation on the number of retail licenses held by 1 person is necessary to ensure a stable system for the lawful distribution of alcoholic liquor, serve the public need and convenience and prevent the public harm associated with a monopoly of the retail alcoholic liquor trade by any person or group of persons, whether such licenses are held by a corporation, partnership, association, proprietorship, individual or other entity. The General Assembly further finds that a reasonable restriction on the number of retail licenses held by 1 person will further the State's interest in maintaining a 3-tier system for the importation, distribution and sale of alcoholic liquor by minimizing or limiting absentee ownership and the domination of retail establishments by suppliers, manufacturers, importers or other economically powerful interests.
Therefore, it is declared to be the public policy of this State that limitations, as hereinafter specified, be placed on the number of retail licenses that any person may at 1 time hold, directly or indirectly, and that the Commissioner shall actively supervise and enforce these limitations.
(b) The Commissioner shall refuse to grant a license for the sale of alcoholic liquor by any restaurant, taproom, hotel, store or other establishment for consumption off the premises where sold if the Commissioner has substantial evidence that would reasonably support a belief that the applicant, or any of the applicant's directors, officers or shareholders, or any of the applicant's partners, corporations, proprietorships or other legal entities engaged in any undertaking, industry or business is singularly, or in combination with the applicant, the holder of 2 or more retail licenses, or has any financial, pecuniary, beneficial, management, supervisory or other interest whatsoever, direct or indirect, and however small, in 2 or more retail licenses; provided, however, that nothing herein shall require any person who, prior to April 1, 1992, acquired an interest in more than 2 retail licenses to surrender, dispose of, or release their interest in any such license; nor shall anything herein affect such person's right to continue to hold, use and renew any such license.
(c) For the purposes of this section, a person shall be deemed to acquire a financial, pecuniary, beneficial, management, supervisory or other interest in a retail license to purchase and re-sell or dispense alcoholic liquor if such person or person's spouse or child under 21 years of age has either (i) any interest whatsoever, direct or indirect, and however small, as a director, officer, shareholder, partner, associate, employee or member in any corporation, partnership, association, proprietorship or other entity engaged in any undertaking, industry or business which holds a retail license pursuant to this chapter, or (ii) any authority whatsoever to supervise, manage, control or direct the operation of the licensee's business, or to hire, terminate or discipline its employees, or to issue any orders, policies or directives concerning its business; provided, however, that any person whose relationship with the licensee is, as determined by the Commissioner, merely that of a bona fide lender, lending institution, secured party or lienholder, or merely that of a bona fide landlord or lessor of real or personal property, shall not, for the purposes of this section, be deemed to acquire a financial, pecuniary, beneficial, management, supervisory or other interest in such license.
(d) The Commissioner may promulgate such rules and regulations with respect to the enforcement and furtherance of the objectives and provisions of this section as it may deem necessary, and all such rules and regulations that are not inconsistent with provisions of this title and the Delaware Code shall have the force and effect of law.