Application for license to purchase for resale.

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(a) Any person proposing to purchase alcoholic liquor for resale shall make application to the Commissioner for license.

(b) Any individual 21 years of age or older may apply for a license permitting the purchase of alcoholic liquors for resale. Any partnership may apply for a license permitting the purchase of alcoholic liquors for resale if such application is approved by a majority of the partners and each of the partners is 21 years of age or older. A corporation may apply for a license permitting the purchase of alcoholic liquors for resale if all the officers and directors of the corporation making the application are 21 years of age or older, and no stockholder under the age of 21 years owns or controls, either by himself or through a custodian, more than 25% of the outstanding shares of stock of the applicant corporation, with the further provision that no group of such minor stockholders and/or custodians may own or control in the aggregate, more than 45% of the stock of the applicant corporation.

(c) The application shall be made on a blank form furnished by the Commissioner and shall be signed by the applicant before two witnesses. The application shall give the name, age, occupation and residence of the applicant and the kind of license requested.

(d) The application furnished by the Commissioner shall contain a statement to the effect that the applicant will comply with this title and the rules of the Delaware Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner.

(e) The Commissioner shall require that the statement of the applicant and of the witnesses be made under oath or affirmation.

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