Wine auctions.

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(a) Subject to the provisions, restrictions and prohibitions of this title, the Commissioner may grant a wine auction license to each qualified applicant therefor. No person shall operate a wine auction unless licensed to do so by the Commissioner. For purposes of this section, a “wine auction” shall mean a person, partnership or corporation that sells rare or fine wines on consignment from the owners of said wines at public auction to those persons who are of legal age to purchase such items. A nonprofit organization may apply for a “wine auction-gathering license” for a specific date upon application to the Commissioner as a fund raiser for their organization.

(b) Said “wine auction” license holder must have an office situated within the State, however said auctions may take place at any location within the State subject to the rules and regulations of the Commissioner which shall have the force of law. A nonprofit organization does not need to maintain an office within the State.

(c) No more than 12 auctions may be conducted within a calendar year.

(d) The wine auction license holder shall have the responsibility for collecting and remitting the applicable excise taxes and gross receipt taxes due for all products auctioned. Provided further, that any products purchased at auction shall not be stocked as inventory or made available for further retail sale in any facility or store licensed under this title.

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