(a) Subject to the provisions, restrictions and prohibitions of this title, the Commissioner may grant a brewery-pub license to each qualified applicant therefor. No person shall own or operate a brewery-pub unless licensed to do so by the Commissioner. For purposes of this section, a “brewery-pub” shall be an establishment in which beer, cider, mead and/or fermented beverages are manufactured on the premises of the licensed establishment, limited to restaurants owned or leased by the brewery-pub applicant.
(b) The following conditions and restrictions shall apply to the holder of each brewery-pub license:
(1) It must be situated on the premises of, or be physically a part of, a restaurant;
(2) It may brew, bottle, and sell beer at no more than 3 licensed establishments, provided that each such licensed establishment qualifies as a separate brewery-pub under this section;
(3) It shall brew no more than 4,000 barrels of beer in any calendar year;
(4) It may sell beer manufactured on licensed premises in labeled barrels, bottles, or other closed containers to wholesalers licensed under this title for delivery by them to persons inside or outside this State;
(5) It may sell at the licensed premises beer manufactured on the licensed premises at retail for consumption off the premises;
(6) It may sell at the licensed premises beer manufactured on the licensed premises for on-premises consumption;
(7) It shall be prohibited from owning, operating or being affiliated with any importer of alcoholic liquor, either in or without this State; and
(8) The provisions of § 506 of this title to the contrary notwithstanding, it shall be permitted to have an interest in, be affiliated with, operate, or own another supplier or manufacturer located outside the State and have an interest in a farm winery, microbrewery, and/or craft distillery licensed under this chapter and actually located in this State, provided that the total domestic sales of beer of all affiliated suppliers or manufacturers shall not exceed 6 million barrels in a calendar year.
(c) It shall be unlawful for a person to operate a brewery-pub if:
(1) The restaurant portion of the licensed establishment fails to offer complete meals for consideration to patrons or fails to operate as a bona fide restaurant as defined by Commissioner rules or this title;
(2) The license is denied, cancelled, suspended or revoked for any of the grounds contained in § 543 or § 561 of this title;
(3) The business is transferred to a different location.
(d) This section shall not prohibit the granting of a restaurant license to sell alcoholic liquors, for on-premises consumption, as provided in § 512 of this title.
(e) The Commissioner may make and publish such rules and regulations with respect to the assessment and payment of the tax on beer, as contained in § 581 of this title, as it deems proper, and all such rules and regulations that are not inconsistent with this title shall have the force and effect of law.
(f) Notwithstanding any other provision of this title to the contrary, the holder of a brewery-pub license may also make, bottle and sell an alcoholic liquor that is fermented or distilled on the premises, subject to the following conditions and restrictions:
(1) All of the conditions and restrictions relating to beer set forth in subsection (b) of this section; and
(2) Alcoholic liquor that is fermented or distilled on the premises shall be taxed in accordance with § 581 of this title.
(g) The provisions of § 546 of this title to the contrary notwithstanding, the sale for off-premises consumption at up to a combined total of 3 licensees licensed under this section or 2 licensees licensed under this section and a microbrewery licensed pursuant to § 512C of this title all owned or controlled by the same person shall be permitted.