The Department shall administer this chapter and in connection therewith shall:
(1) Establish rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of this chapter consistent with the intent as expressed in § 501 of this title, including, but not limited to, rules, regulations and standards as to eligibility for assistance, the nature, duration and extent of such assistance as well as sanctions for noncompliance with such rules, regulations and standards for eligibility for assistance;
(2) Cooperate with the federal Department of Health and Human Services or with any successor department or agency thereof, in any reasonable manner not contrary to law, as may be required to qualify for federal aid with respect to functions and programs coming within the purview of this chapter, shall make such reports to the Department of Health and Human Services in such form and containing such information as that Department may from time to time require, shall comply with such provisions as said agency may from time to time find necessary to assure the correctness and verification of such reports, and shall apply to the Department of Health and Human Services and other relevant federal departments for waivers of federal rules and regulations deemed to impede the achievement of the legislative intent expressed in § 501 of this title.
(3) Make periodic surveys of cost-of-living factors in relation to the needs of recipients of assistance and welfare services, in order that the standards for such assistance and welfare services remain reasonably sufficient and at the same time provide recipients with incentive to seek and maintain private sector work.
(4) Enter into agreements or understandings with appropriate public agencies in other states whereby any or all of the benefits of this chapter may be extended to Delaware residents living in other states or to residents of other states living in Delaware on a reciprocal basis. In this connection the Department may establish policies which waive or alter the residence requirements of § 505 of this title;
(5) Promulgate such rules and regulations as may be necessary to assure that its information concerning applicants and recipients is used or disclosed solely for purposes directly connected with the administration of assistance;
(6) Cooperate with the federal government in carrying out the purposes of any federal acts concerning public welfare and in other matters of mutual concern pertaining to public welfare, including the adoption of such methods of administration as are necessary for the efficient operation of the plan for such public assistance and welfare services; and
(7) Guarantee that assistance provided as medical care, including dental care, when paid to providers of such medical care is on a prompt basis, usually not later than 30 days from the report of services by a physician, pharmacist, or other professional health care provider, or 20 days from the report of services by a hospital or skilled nursing facility; provided, however, that should financial advances from the Department of Finance be necessary to carry out this chapter, they must be permitted upon the concurrence of the Secretary of the Department of Finance and the Secretary of the Department of Health and Social Services.
(8) Supplementary Security Income Program (Title XVI Social Security Act). — a. The Secretary of the Department of Health and Social Services, in carrying out the purposes of this title, may enter into agreements on behalf of the State with the Secretary of Health and Human Services or with other appropriate federal officials, under the Supplementary Security Income Program established by Title XVI of the Social Security Act [42 U.S.C. § 1381 et seq.], as amended, or under any other federal welfare or public assistance programs hereafter established, which are not contrary to or in conflict with the purposes of this title.
b. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary of the Department of Health and Social Services is empowered to transfer funds, within the limits of appropriation by the General Assembly, to the Secretary of Health and Human Services or to other appropriate federal official, pursuant to any agreement referred to in paragraph a. of this subdivision or pursuant to any other federal welfare or public assistance programs hereafter established, which are not contrary to or in conflict with the purposes of this title.
(9), (10), [Repealed.]