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As used in this title:

(1) “Department” or “Department of Mental Health” shall mean Department of Health and Social Services unless otherwise designated.

(2) “Hospital” and “mental hospital,” as used in this chapter, shall mean the Delaware Psychiatric Center or such other hospital in this State which is certified by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Social Services as being an appropriate facility for the diagnosis, care and treatment of mentally ill persons 18 years of age or older. “Hospital” and “mental hospital” shall also mean any hospital in this State which is certified by the Secretary of the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families as being an appropriate facility for the diagnosis, care and treatment of mentally ill persons under 18 years of age.

(3) The “State Board of Trustees of the Delaware Psychiatric Center” or “Board of Trustees” or “State Board” or “State Board of Trustees” or “State Board of Trustees of the Hospital” or “Board of Trustees of the Hospital” or the “Board” or the “Board of Trustees of the Department of Mental Health” shall mean the Department of Health and Social Services.

(4) “Superintendent,” except in this chapter, or “Commissioner” or “Commissioner of the Department of Mental Health” or “Assistant Superintendent” shall mean Secretary of the Department of Health and Social Services.

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